
ESESJCluny has given me the tools to become the healthcare professional that I am every day. In an academic journey lasting four years, there are several challenges throughout each phase, either due to a new teaching methodology, or due to an adaptation to higher education and the responsibility that this entails, or due to the approach to everyday life in the internship field. Many will be those who will devalue certain aspects, however Cluny is present in each of these phases.
I remember the early days perfectly, uncertainty and lack of confidence took care of us. But, with the support of everyone, whether from classmates or our Veterans, the fight continued with a smile on our faces. It is this familiar atmosphere that Cluny transmits and that personally is one of the characteristics that I most value while I was there. There are many offers for Higher Education, either because of the larger campus, or because of the technology, or because of the external image they want to convey. Here, we have a little bit of everything, but what stands out is undoubtedly the proximity between the various colleagues from the different stages of the Degree and their professors, this is what should be valued every day._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Along this journey I had the opportunity to develop several of my personal and professional skills, whether proactive or active elements in the academic community. Participate in the various activities that the institution offers you, whether they are related to nursing or not, broaden your horizons, this is the time to do so. These will be your “golden years” don't waste them …
I was lucky enough to choose ESESJCluny, how about you?

Nurse Master in Medical-Surgical
How to talk about ESESJC? With heart, wisdom, eternal gratitude for the years my school has made me a better person, a better human being and a better nurse.
It stands out for training people and professionals with pillars well grounded in science and the most up-to-date evidence, enabling us to be thinking, consistent, solid and honest professionals in the holistic care of people and their families.
I will always call it “my school”, I will always proudly wear your shirt.
I took my first steps in the science of nursing in 2004 and four years later I received my professional certificate which gave me the title of nurse. A few years later I decided to go back to my cradle and grow up, and learn more, acquire more competence, develop even more knowledge, deepen and update knowledge, become more consistent as a professional. It was at ESESJC that I became a specialist and master in medical-surgical nursing. Without your hand and guidance none of this would be possible. Thank you for letting me be part of your story.
Well done for all the commitment to train nurses, specialists and teachers on a daily basis with the ability to think beyond, able to develop in favor of caring in an advanced and specialized practice.

Nurse Specialist in Community Health
I always remember taking the psychometric test and being told “your vocation is in the area of communication or health”. And it's not that I chose the best of both worlds - “Nursing is the art of communicating”.
And 8 years after completing the degree, I assure you that it was the best choice of my life. They were the most decisive and intense years, as I was building my path step by step to achieve my dream of becoming a Nurse. I did my training at the Escola Superior de Enfermagem São José de Cluny given the credibility that institutions recognize from their professionals. It is a place of great learning and demand that allows training the best professionals, recognized throughout the world. I grew as a professional, but above all as a person. The values transmitted were fundamental for the woman I became. After completing my degree, I entered the world of work, I work in the Emergency Room at Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça, however I returned to Cluny, I am currently a Specialist Nurse in Community Health. And like a good son, I return home and it's always so good to return to a place that welcomes us so well and despite already having a specialty I decided to go back to school and once again chase the dream and graduate in one of the areas that fascinates me, Maternal Health and Midwifery. The struggle continues, for being a distinguished professional and being able to provide the best nursing care .
I hope my testimony is inspiring and motivating for current/future ESESJC students, don't give up on your dreams and goals. Fight and give your best in everything you are predisposed to do.