Other courses
The Escola Superior de Enfermagem de São José de Cluny is a training entity certified by the Institute for Qualification, IP-RAM DRQP in the areas of education and training: 347, 723, 726, 762.
With the involvement of a pedagogical team with diverse knowledge in the various technical-scientific areas, the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de São José de Cluny, within the scope of the development of professional training, aims to contribute to a greater training offer, aiming to increase the level of qualification of the community in which it operates.
All entries must be formalized by sending the Form 152 – Registration Form, duly completed, to the email formacao@esesjcluny.pt. Training suggestions can be sent to the same email address.
There are currently no professional training courses abroad.
Alternatively, you can carry out Isolated Curricular Units.
Coordenação da
Formação Profissional