Professional Monitoring Observatory of Graduates
Pursuant to Articles 23 and 24 of the Legal Regime, Law No. 62 of 2007 of September 10, Higher Education Institutions "establish and support a liaison framework for their former students" and must "collect and disseminate information on the employment of their graduates, as well as their professional paths ".
Therefore, the Board of Directors of ESESJCluny, in October 2012, created an "Observatory for the Professional Follow-up of Cluny Graduates" in order to monitor these same professional paths at the regional, national or international level.
The working group comprises Sister Margarida Conceição Faria and Professors Noélia Cristina Rodrigues Pimenta Gomes and Patrícia Micaela Freitas Câmara.
This Observatory's mission is to create a close link with its recent nursing graduates, with the general objectives of monitoring the insertion of its graduates into the world of work and publicizing activities promoted by ESESJCluny. Its specific objectives are:
- Characterize and publicize the different professional paths of its graduates;
- Create and publicize events of potential interest for advanced training, sharing of professional experiences, job opportunities, among other activities;
- Establish partnerships in order to create possibilities for job offers;
- Promote technical foreign language courses;
- Supporting entrepreneurial initiatives by ESESJCluny graduates in the field of health.

Patricia Camara