Health Services Management
12 months
after work
Currently, health systems and organizations are faced with a remarkable scarcity of resources of various natures so that they can meet the growing needs of citizens, namely those arising from sociodemographic, economic and environmental determinants, which justify changes in the pattern of care. behavior and morbidity of the population.
On the other hand, technological innovation and specialization in the health area has not stopped growing, with sometimes ambiguous results, calling for management decisions increasingly based on evidence, with an inevitable weighting of both costs and benefits.
In this context, aspects of governance and management of ecosystems and organizations are particularly relevant, due to the growing need to optimize available resources, improving results (outcomes) and increasing production. In a word, adding Value to both citizens and organizations.
This postgraduate course intends to bring together different health professionals in order to adequatelypay attention to new roles within health organizations, namely participation and formal and professional leadership at different levels of management. Its lecturers are Adalberto Campos Fernandes, professor at the University of Lisbon, former Minister of Health, and Pedro Miguel de Câmara Ramos, Regional Secretary for Health of RAM.
This Post-Graduation grants access to the attribution of Specialized Increased Competence in Management.
Professional Status
This Graduate Program is accredited by the Portuguese Nurses Association for:
- attribution of 3.5 Professional Development Credits
- access to the attribution of Specialized Added Competence in Management
Course Coordination

Olivia Barcelos
Master and Specialist
of higher education
Curriculum vitae
Elvio Henriques de Jesus
Doctor of Nursing
Postgraduate in Management

Access Conditions
- Be a holder of a degree in the area of health
- Self-regulated professionals (updated professional card).
180 euros (x 10 monthly fee)
How do I add a new FAQ?To add a new FAQ, follow these steps: Click the Manage FAQs button. In your site's dashboard, click Add New and choose the Question and Answer option. Each new question and answer must be assigned to a category. Save and publish. You can always edit your FAQs, reorder them and select other categories.
Can I insert an image, video or GIF to an FAQ?Yes. To add media, follow these steps: Enter the application settings Click Manage FAQ Create or select the question you'd like to add media to When editing your reply, click on the video, image, or GIF icon Add media from your collection and save.
How do I edit or remove the "FAQ" heading?You can edit the title in the application settings. If you don't want to display the title, simply disable it under Info to show.
What is an FAQ section?A FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about your business, such as "Where do you ship?", "What are your opening hours?" or "How can I schedule a service?". FAQs are a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your SEO.
Teaching Team
Ana Clara Silva
(Master in Politics, Management and Public Administration)
Armando David Sousa
(Master in Management)
Bruna Raquel Figueira Ornelas de Gouveia
(PhD in Nursing, Professor at the Research UC)
Cristina Barbara da Costa Freitas Pestana
(PhD in Nursing, Professor at the UC de Projetos)
Elvio Henriques de Jesus
(Postgraduate in Management and PhD in Nursing)
Fernando Barroso
(Postgraduate degree in Health Law and Health Project Management)
Maria Merícia Gouveia Rodrigues Bettencourt de Jesus
(PhD in Nursing, Professor at the UC of Ethics)
Maria Olivia de Sousa Freitas Barcelos
(MBA in International Business Management)
Nelson Guerra
(Master in Health Services Management, Doctor in Nursing and President of APEGEL)
Tânia Marlene Gonçalves Lourenço
(PhD student in Nursing and Professor at the Statistics UC)
Tiago Silva
(Computer engineer)