Master's Degree in Medical-Surgical Nursing
18 months
after work
The Master in Medical-Surgical Nursing results from a consortium established with the Escola Superior de Saúde de Santa Maria – Porto. It is based on the educational projects of ESESJCluny and ESSSM, ensuring a humanist character, where respect and dignity of all stakeholders prevail.
Thus, ESESJCluny and ESSSM undertake to provide CMEMC trainee nurses with the necessary conditions for the full development of their potential, in the sense of acquiring and developing common and specialized skills in Medical-Surgical Nursing, thus allowing them to provide highly differentiated nursing care to people in critical, palliative or perioperative situations.
The Study Plan was conceived in order to allow the development and consolidation of the skills required for the management and provision of specialized nursing care, targeting the person in a critical situation, the person in a palliative situation and the person in a perioperative situation. It took into account the guidelines of the Bologna Process, foreseeing the use of methodologies and strategies that encourage trainees to have a significant involvement and responsibility in the teaching-learning processes, stimulating self-training.
The Master's Course in Medical-Surgical Nursing foresees the existence of a common trunk corresponding to 12 ECTS, then subdivided into three areas with 78 ECTS, each totaling 90 ECTS, corresponding to 2430 hours. The Course also includes two components, one theoretical and the other clinical, whose ECTS and respective workloads are summarized in Table I.
General objectives
The)Demonstrate in-depth knowledge in the scientific area of Medical-Surgical Nursing and develop them using research activity, innovation and deepening of their professional skills
B)Understand and solve problems in new situations or in broader and multidisciplinary contexts, in the exercise of professional activity specialized in the field of Medical-Surgical Nursing
ç)Integrate specialized knowledge in the area of Medical-Surgical Nursing, deal with complex issues, develop solutions or issue judgments, considering the associated ethical and social implications and responsibilities
d)Communicate your conclusions, the knowledge and reasoning behind them, both to specialists and non-specialists, in a clear and unambiguous way
and)Demonstrate skills that allow autonomous lifelong learning
Professional Status
The Master's course in Medical-Surgical Nursing is organized around a common core that aims to allow the development of common skills of specialist nurses (Regulation No. ) then subdivided into three of the four areas provided for in Regulation No. 429 - 2018 of June 16 of the Order of Nurses: Person in Critical Situation, Person in Palliative Situation and Person in Perioperative Situation.
In preparing the Study Plan, the Portuguese legal framework of the Nursing Profession was considered (Statute of the OE, Deontological Code, REPE, requirements for attributing the professional title of Specialist Nurse), the guidelines issued by the OE for training programs in Medical- Surgery in each of the areas mentioned, the Legal Regime of Higher Education Degrees and Diplomas (Decree-Law No. 65 -2018 of August 16) and also the principles inherent in the Bologna Process.
Access Conditions
- Hold a degree in Nursing or legal equivalent or hold a foreign higher academic degree conferred following a 1st cycle of Nursing studies organized in accordance with the principles of the Bologna process by a State adhering to that process, or holders a foreign higher academic degree recognized as satisfying the objectives of the degree by the scientific body of the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de São José de Cluny, the latter being exempt from complying with the following paragraphs;
- Be the holder of a professional card or certificate of enrollment in the Order of Nurses, duly updated; in the situation of national students;
- Have two years of professional practice at the time of application.
Employability Rate
Last placed candidate
(on request)
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Teaching Team
Bruna Raquel Figueira Ornelas de Gouveia
(Specialist in Rehabilitation Nursing, PhD in Nursing)
Maria Luisa Vieira Andrade dos Santos
(Specialist in Medical-Surgical Nursing, PhD in Nursing)
Maria Merícia Gouveia Rodrigues Bettencourt de Jesus
(Specialist in Medical-Surgical Nursing, PhD in Nursing)
Noélia Cristina Rodrigues Pimenta Gomes
(Master in Medical-Surgical Nursing, PhD in Nursing)
Rita Abreu Figueiredo
(Specialist in Community Nursing, PhD in Nursing)
Abel de Mendonca Viveiros
(Specialist in Medical-Surgical Nursing, Master in Management)
Daniel Cunha
(Specialist in Medical-Surgical Nursing, Master in Nursing)
Goretti Marques
(Specialist in Child and Pediatric Nursing,
Master in Management and Administration of Health Services, PhD in Nursing)
Marcia Dias Alves
(Specialist in Medical-Surgical Nursing, PhD in Nursing Sciences)
Sara Maria Pinto
(Specialist in Medical-Surgical Nursing,
Master in Palliative Care, PhD in Nursing Sciences)