11 months
after work
A sociedade atual reveste-se de novos_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ desafios éticos, decorrentes dos constantes progressos_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ na area of life sciences, health, education, social and law, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cfindo5_ccindo5 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ assim, questões bioéticas progressivamente mais complexas . O estudo aprofundado sobre estas questões,_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ constitui-se uma ferramenta fundamental para os_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ professionals from these scientific areas, with a view to the excellence of their practices. In this sense, this postgraduate course, developed in partnership with the Associação Portuguesa de Bioética, intends to strengthen and support in-depth reflection on the theme of Bioethics, with the following general objectives:
- Deepen knowledge in the field of the philosophy of bioethics and its relationship with the ethics of professions;
- Develop skills in the field of the relationship between bioethics and education at various levels;
- Analyze bio law as a regulator of issues related to human life;
- Deepen knowledge about health policies and their correspondence with the defense of ethical principles and values;
- Deepen knowledge about ethics and scientific research;
- Deepen skills on current bioethical issues and future perspectives, related to the beginning, course and end of life;
- Mobilize the knowledge and skills acquired in approaching a specific theme of professional practice according to the project methodology; Or Develop a research project on a topic/situation of professional practice, mobilizing the acquired knowledge and skills.
This Graduate is creditable in Masters in Bioethics.
Course Coordination
Rui Nunes
Female doctor);
Fac. of Medicine Univ. from Porto
Portuguese Association of Bioethics
Sérgio Mendonça
Female doctor);
Portuguese Association of Bioethics
Professional Status
Not applicable
access conditions
- Hold a degree or legal equivalent or hold a foreign higher academic degree recognized as meeting the objectives of the degree by the scientific body of the Escola Superior de Enfermagem São José de Cluny, com interest_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ pelas questões bioéticas das seguintes áreas:_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ saúde, social, ciências da vida, educação,_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ direito, política, ciências religiosas e other with interest in the study of issues of ethics in life.
250 euros (x 10 monthly fee)
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Teaching Team
Abel Viveiros(MSc in Management; Sesaram, EPE)
Ana Clara Silva(MSc in Politics; Management and Public Adm.; Dir.Reg. Integrated Policies and Longevity)
Carina Freitas(PhD in Neurosciences; Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist)
Claudia Freitas(Physician Specialist in Gynecology-Obstetrics; Sesaram, EPE)
Cristina Pestana(PhD in Nursing; ESESJCluny)
Eugenia Gonçalves(PG in Bioethics; ESESJCluny)
Francisca Rego(PhD in Palliative Care; Fac. MedicinaUniv. Porto)
Guilhermina Rego(PhD in Business Sciences; Fac.Medicina Univ. Porto)
Hélder Spinola(PhD Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology; UMa)
Helena Melo(PhD in Law; Faculty of Law at Univ. Nova Lisboa)
Ivone Duarte(PhD in Bioethics; Fac. Medicina Univ. Porto)
john Baptist(PhD Geosciences; University of Aveiro)
judite sa(MSc in Bioethics; Sesaram, EPE)
Monica Correia(PhD in Bioethics; Fac. Medicina Univ. Porto)
Natalia Teles(PhD in Bioethics; Fac. Medicina da Univ. Porto)
Sergio Deodato(PhD in Nursing; Catholic University of Portugal)
Stela Barbas(PhD in Law; Autonomous University of Lisbon)
Tânia Lourenço(PhD in Nursing; ESESJCluny)
Vitorino Gouveia(MSc in Computer Engineering; ESESJCuny and XisGroup)