The S. José de Cluny School of Nursing was founded in 1940, following a need felt by Madeiran society at the time and personalized in a group of young people who, being aware of the work carried out by Mother Pedro Tavares at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, requested its creation. It was officially recognized on October 13, 1948. With the integration of Nursing Education into the National Education System, at the level of Higher Education, it was renamed S. José de Cluny School of Nursing.
Mission and values
The Institution's mission is to train professionals for such a high responsibility as that of being a Nurse. It privileges human training allied to scientific and technical training and has been established, firstly, by the learning opportunities and rigor imparted to them, in the sense of developing the skills inherent to the Nursing profession and which, we are sure, are equipped with your trainees.
As an Institution that trains people dedicated to caring for people, it has dedicated special attention to socio-cultural changes in general and to the alteration of reference models, both in the nursing profession and in pedagogical matters, valuing a close and less formal teacher/student relationship, without, however, devaluing the values of discipline and respect for the social roles of teachers, students or staff.

The progressive introduction of active teaching-learning methodologies, in which trainees assume the role of subjects and agents of their own learning, had an important milestone with the adaptation of the Study Plan of the Degree in Nursing to the philosophy of the Bologna Process , which correspond to 240 ECTS. At the same time, the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de S. José de Cluny was equipped with an exemplary laboratory - destined for the development of technical expertise - and another one of new technologies, promoting the development of research skills and access to the most recent scientific evidence , recognized by teachers and students as a great asset. Through the School's website, this Institution communicates some relevant data to society and the Corporate Portal constitutes a privileged means of access reserved for teachers and students, in which, from any part of the Island or the World, it allows the exchange of information, such as, for example, the provision of content from the teaching sessions, the clarification of doubts, the discussion forums, among others.
All this philosophy and endowment of means has increased the dynamism in translated academic life, and in the scientific field, in the promotion of conferences, seminars, journeys, study visits and clinical teaching outside the region, with the inherent added value. The Students' Association, Tuna, participation in solidarity or Health Promotion campaigns, among other events, have contributed to the human development and citizenship of our students.
The Escola Superior de Enfermagem de S. José de Cluny, due to the quality of its teaching and training, has managed to achieve, over the years, social recognition and prestige that greatly honors and dignifies it. It recognizes the excellence of the Nurses who passed through there and, consequently, Nursing and Regional, National and International Health. Proof of this is the feedback obtained from employers of its graduates at regional, national and international level and from other Higher Education Institutions that receive our former graduates in postgraduate courses, as well as the results of external evaluations carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Learning the know-how, the know-how, as well as the know-how and the know-how, were the seeds that made and make us what we are today as people and as Nurses.
Since its foundation until the present moment, the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de S. José de Cluny has trained more than 3000 nursing professionals. In the first five decades it dedicated itself to teaching basic training, having in the following years diversified its training offer through Masters, Specialization Courses and Postgraduate courses, seeking to meet the health care needs of the population.
It is with the commitment of the entire Academic Community - management bodies, teachers, administrative staff, assistants and students - that the insitution remains erect and continues its evolution over time.
The Escola Superior de Enfermagem de São José de Cluny, based on the values that have guided it, affirms before the society it serves, that it will continue to make every effort so that, within the scope of its sphere of action, Nursing care provided to the population of RAM meet their expectations and needs as well as the quality standards established by the Order of Nurses.