Message from the President

With 74 years (1948-2022) of experience in training health professionals, mostly nurses, the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de São José de Cluny is proud to have contributed to the improvement of all health indicators in the Autonomous Region of Madeira , at the same time that it has contributed to increasing the levels of personal and academic training of many Madeiran citizens who have chosen to dedicate their professional lives to caring for individuals and groups (families and communities) in situations of vulnerability and in different domains. Having given unequivocal proof that it follows all scientific and technical development over time, it is also true that ESESJCluny has always based teaching and training on Western Christian values, respect for Human Rights, respect for the dignity of all members of the academic community and the guiding values of Nursing.
The concern to meet all the quality benchmarks of Higher Education in Portugal has driven ESESJCluny to organize itself around six axes, regulating all its processes, which are part of the Internal Quality Assurance System, certified by A3ES for the maximum period.
We are convinced that anyone who decides to study at ESESJCluny, whether at the CTeSP, Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Masters or Postgraduate levels, enters an academic environment that is close, qualifies, promotes values and is increasingly international. A welcome to all students and our commitment that, with rigor and everyone's help, we will continue to strengthen ESESJCluny and its trainees!