Student Union
About Us
The Association of Students of the Nursing School of São José de Cluny is an organization representing the students of the Nursing School of São José de Cluny, since 1998, the year in which the Statutes were published in the Diário da República.
Student Union
Represent the students of this institution and make their action cohesive in the defense of their rights and aspirations;
Plan and carry out diverse and continuous activities of pedagogical, cultural, sporting, social and leisure interest;
Sustain the democratization of the school and the improvement of Teaching;
Take initiatives of a social nature to alleviate the economic difficulties of the neediest students;
Promote the necessary actions for the integration of students in society;
Cooperate with other regional, national or foreign organizations, safeguarding the general principles of associativism and the statutes of the Student Association.
Independência A Associação de Estudantes é Independente do Estado, dos partidos políticos, das organizações religiosas ou de quaisquer outras | Democraticidade Todos os Estudantes têm direito de participar na vida associativa, incluindo o de eleger e ser eleitos para os corpos diretivos e ser nomeados para cargos associativos | Autonomia A Associação de Estudantes goza de autonomia na elaboração dos respetivos estatutos e demais normas internas, na eleição dos seus órgãos dirigentes, na gestão e administração do respetivo património e na elaboração dos planos de atividades |